Monday, April 30, 2012

Happily Ever Afters and Sunsets

I thoroughly believe that I will one day find my happily ever after and ride off into the sunset.  Today is not that day.

Until that day comes here are my options.

1.       Sell my soul to the devil so I no longer feel anything  (no guilt, no remorse, no responsibility)
2.       Find myself a sugar daddy who will leave me his millions in return for my amazing companionship.  And companionship only.  (None of that Hugh Hefner nonsense.) 
3.       Find myself a cardboard box, a ukulele, and a tin can (really, it can only go up from here)
4.       Be a dog walker that charges $17 an hour. (Now, I just need upper body strength.)
5.       Finish my degree and find gainful employment that will fulfill me.  

Well, my options are limited.  And only one seems entirely feasible.  Welcome to my new adventure blog ladies and gentlemen!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, I remind myself that I am funny. This post is one of those times.
