Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Tripping out!

Hey everybody!

My name is Ailene, and this is my blog to keep track of my adventures in China!  (And maybe if I like this blogging thing afterwards, I'll keep you on for the other things in my life.) Adventures, as in studying abroad and some exploring along the way.  I'll be headed off to Chengdu for a semester.  I went ahead and circled it for you.  Just because it isn't one of the Chinese cities you hear a lot about.  

It's the home of pandas!

I am going through the study abroad program at the University of Nevada, Reno called the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC).  I chose Chengdu over my other choice, Shanghai, because I figured I would be more immersed in Chinese culture here.  Not as many English speaking people.  *crossing fingers*  Why immersion you ask?  Whelp, for intensive language learning purposes.  I'm hoping to come back fluent in Mandarin.  That would be awesome.

Right now, I am preparing to leave.  I've done a ton of research on the plane ride alone.  Like how much I can pack, and I've been plotting the best spots for me to sit on the 15 hour plane ride to Hong Kong.  I'm thinking window seat.  And I found a great site called that lets you know that layout of the plane so you can find a good seat for yourself.  It's actually kind of magical.

But it's not just the plane ride, but the lists of things I need to bring and get done.  Things to bring, people to contact before I leave, papers to fill out, last minute things to get done.  I've basically been preparing for the past few months, but now that the last week of America is upon me, it just feels like I haven't gotten enough done.  At least I have my visa and passport!  That's enough to get me into the country.  =)

Of course, there are dozens of things I want let you know right now, but hey, there's plenty of time right?


1 comment:

  1. um.. your 'long' adventure (envious of your blog title) is going to be awesome!
